Rim Bowl (18cm)

Artist: Keicondo
6,000 yen ($40.53 USD)

Rim Bowl / Ø18cm x h7cm

Kasama based potter Keicondo’s series of yellow tableware was inspired by the rich natural earth hues he encountered in Bolivia during time he spent in the country as a Jica volunteer ceramist in 2007. The striking tone is surprisingly compatible with a variety of dishes and the wares have a moderate thickness and weight that makes them well suited for daily use.

1981 Born in Kasama City, Ibaraki Prefecture
2006 Completed course at Ibaraki Prefectural Ceramics Guidance Center
2007-2009 JICA volunteer ceramics instructor in Bolivia
2010 Established independent workshop in Kasama City


  • Dimensions: Dia 18cm x H 7cm
  • Weight: 297g
  • Material: Ceramic
  • Product No: KC-11
  • Made in Japan